Call For Papers

UKUUG's annual Large Installation Systems Administration (LISA) conference will take place in Manchester from 23-25 March 2010.

This is the UK's only conference aimed specifically at systems and network administrators. It attracts a large number of professionals from sites of all shapes and sizes. As well as the technical talks, the conference provides a friendly environment for delegates to meet, learn, and enjoy lively debate on a host of subjects.


Our tutorial slot is now taken with a full day tutorial on SCons by Russell Winder.


Talks update: We still have one or two slots available and will fill these on a rolling basis, please email if you would like to submit an abstract.

We are currently accepting proposals for talks; so if you are a systems administrator or developer, we want to hear from you. We are seeking papers covering all aspects of systems and network administration, including:

If you have a novel solution to a problem, experience of a particular application or hardware platform, tips and tricks for fellow systems administrators, or a favourite tool you could talk about, please submit a paper for consideration by the programme committee.

Talks should include a high level of technical content and not involve sales pitches.

To offer a talk, or make enquiries about a partially formed idea, email

CallForPapers (last edited 2010-02-27 21:40:49 by Paul)